Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Song lyrics......i love em, what do you think?

let our lonely hearts collide/we're made to live this life together....together/bridge across this great divide/coz standing side by side is better....together

......by Krystal Meyers.....go check her out :)

Song lyrics......i love em, what do you think?
i_think_its_gonna_rain has been permanently ignored on sight:) cool song:):):):)
Reply:it doesn't make any sense?!?

if your hearts collided, there would be an aweful lot of blood and you'd die. and how can two smashed together and unresponsive hearts build a bridge across a great divide? There's not enough physical material in 2 hearts to build a bridge strong enough to hold a mid-sized human being, let along stretch across two pieces of land separated by a valley.

I'd agree that just simply standing next to each other, or side-by-side as you mention, much more appealing than trying to construct a bridge our of human flesh.

OH NO!!! I'm permanently ignored by a pink haired freak!! What ever shall I do?!?!? I know, I'll build a bridge out of human flesh and collide it on a great divide then and stand side by side with TwinnedChylamdia.

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